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Karen Jean Golf Sponsorship

We are excited to invite your company to be a part of our upcoming golf fundraiser! We have several sponsorship opportunities available, each offering unique exposure and promotional benefits:

1. Hole Sponsorship (1-9): Sponsor a specific hole and get your company’s logo prominently displayed on the tee. $75
2. Putt-Off Competition Sponsorship: Be the exclusive sponsor of the putt-off competition. Your company’s logo will be featured on the putt off hole. $150
3. Beverage Cart Sponsorship: Sponsor the beer cart and enjoy company branding on the cart itself. $150
4. Longest Drive Contest Sponsorship: Be the exclusive sponsor of the longest drive competition. Your company’s logo will be featured on the longest drive hole. $150​
5. Lunch Sponsor - Your company logo will be displayed at the lunch location. $250
Please select the donation amount based off from what Sponsorship you choose.
Please put in your company name and and type of sponsorship you are choosing in the Comment Section.

For more information or to secure your sponsorship, please contact us at 207-831-7803 or 207-357-3087 or email
Thank you for considering supporting the Karen Jean foundation. We look forward to partnering with you!


One time







Comment (optional)


Deep Brook Golf Course


Saturday, September 28th 2024


Deep Brook Golf Course

36 New County Road Saco, ME 04072 

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